3 Reasons Why Your Knees Still Hurt!

I have been hearing a lot lately about knee pain.

This knee pain is coupled with hip or ankle discomfort.

On the same side

Or often on the opposite side!

Does this sound like you or maybe someone you know?

Nonetheless, it is painful and creates some annoyances when playing sports, exercising or just getting up and down from a chair.

Here are my top 3 Reasons why your Knee pain is sticking around like a 2-year-old toddler hanging on the Mom’s leg.

REASON #1: Core instability

REASON #2: Pelvic and Spinal Instability

REASON #3: Not moving through the hip

Core instability does not mean you have weak abs by the way.

Think of this more like a disconnect between your abdominal muscles and the muscles of the hip.

This is why proper breathing mechanics are so important.

Breathing sets the stage for all that we do.

If our bodies don’t feel supported, our bodies will make every attempt to create stability for us.

And for starters, it will lock down a big mover and shaker like the hip!

Basically, it will get the job done and continue running with the same pattern it is used to.

When this happens, we may find ourselves with restricted movement, potential pain, and discomfort.

Our pelvis and spine become unstable creating more vulnerability for our lower back, hip, knee, and ankle.

Stiff back, tight hips, knee pain, and ankle sprains are common occurrences!

Restricting hip movement and resulting in way too much movement through the knee.

The knee should NEVER move side-to-side or replace the job of the hip.

This is one sure way to end up with knee problems.

As a matter of fact, moving the knee side-to-side is considered a deformity.

Otherwise known as valgus and varus stressors.

Forget the fancy Science terms for now and remember.

Let your hips move first and not your knees!

If you continue to move your knee before your hip, you may be setting yourself up for future issues.

If you struggle with this or know someone who does and would like to learn what you can do about it. Shoot me a note and let’s talk!

Learn how to stop training bad patterns.

Remember, you are destined for greatness!